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Arthritis can be defined by the inflammation of the cartilage and lining of the body’s joints….
Dry skin is a fairly common condition and in most cases can be managed with a good foot cream and a footcare…
A recent survey revealed that one in four women would wear uncomfortable shoes simply because they look good!…
Blisters are among the most debilitating minor injuries an athlete can get. A tiny little blister, though small in size, can be…
When a woman is pregnant, the extra weight gain combined with hormonal release relaxes certain ligaments in…
Each person has three-four million sweat glands, and at rest loses about half a litre of sweat daily. Sweat is not smelly in…
Its no fun kicking a ball with sore toes or running round the tennis court with blisters, and for people…
it’s only when the summer approaches that people often panic when they realise how neglected their feet…
Thickened toenails are common and about 5% of the population have infected toenails….
We are here to help, we have foot care products that can help with all the issues shown.